We could talk about how colleges are lining up to set the story straight on whether she attended them or not, or how she thinks she's on a mission from God to keep the Bush era tax cuts on the books, but what really gets my stupid goat is her thoughts on creationism that were brought up in the debate last night.
Didn't we put this to rest when GW was asked about it and most people scoffed at his "political" answer that both evolution and creationism should be taught side by side? Christine thinks the government "overreaches" by not letting schools teach creationism (aka Intelligent Design). I want to ask her in what class should they teach creationism? Because it definitely cannot be in a science class!
It is very simple. Creationism is not a science. It doesn't use the scientific method to reach its conclusions. It uses a two thousand year old book that was written when humans thought the earth was flat and the center of the universe.
If a private school wants to teach creationism and turn out a bunch of students who won't be able to make it through a college freshman course of biology then they have that right. But since our government separates church from state (much to the chagrin of many christians and I assume Christine) creationism cannot be allowed. If Christine ever gets the chance to take the oath to defend the constitution she should read the First Amendment once or twice.
I'd also like to ask Christine if creationism should be taught, and we don't want our government to endorse only one religion, than would she allow the wiccan view of how the universe began as well? And if we are willing to go that far then what about the view that I and many other pirates out there believe in, The Flying Spaghetti Monster. We all bask in his noodly appendage. Ramen!
OMG. She's at it again.
She's popped up again to show the world how stupid she is. She can't get enough.